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We develop software solutions and services that simplify our clients' everyday lives. The goal? Enable them to refocus on their core business activities.

Septeo Brain, une IA au service de la performance de votre activité

Une IA accessible à tous les métiers auxquels nous nous adressons, intégrée dans nos solutions logicielles.
Une IA créatrice de valeur pour vous : automatisation, simplification des tâches chronophages et réinvention de l'interaction avec vos clients au service de la performance de votre activité.
Une IA sécurisée et maîtrisée qui protège vos données et celles de vos clients.
Une IA à l'état de l'art technologique, utilisant le meilleur des innovations du marché et de Septeo.

Septeo Brain, une IA responsable et sécurisée

Les données appartiennent à nos clients
Les données ne sont pas utilisées pour entraîner des modèles tiers
Les données sont hébergées en France ou en Europe conformément aux exigences en vigueur
Les données sont sécurisées sans compromis

Septeo s'engage à proposer une IA éthique, inclusive et responsable en prenant soin d'intégrer l'ensemble des parties prenantes dans la construction et les décisions.

More than 200 000 end-users put their trust in us

“Beyond estimating assistance, the CityScan report delivered by the Septeo Group's Real Estate Solutions allows us to reassure a future buyer about the qualities of a real estate location.”
Benjamin MONDOU
Lafage Transactions
Century 21 Agency
Lafage Transactions
Century 21 Agency
“I use Septeo's CityScan as support throughout the cycle. It allows me to quickly respond to objections during the visit, but also throughout the transaction cycle: from the first contact with the seller, to closing the sale. CityScan is a powerful tool that I can rely on at an appraisal meeting, and the proof of my expertise. As for the complete file, including points of interest such as schools, shops or even transport, it is a very interesting and decisive source of information for buyers.”
Laforêt Marseille 7ème
Laforêt Marseille 7ème
“J’utilise les solutions de Softouest devenu Septeo solutions les commissaires de justice depuis de nombreuses années. J’apprécie la pertinence de leurs produits mais aussi la qualité d’écoute et d’adaptation de leurs équipes pour répondre à des besoins plus spécifiques. Soolus est une application à l’esthétique moderne et renouvelée sans renier l’exigence de sécurité et de fiabilité.”
Alexandre et associés
Alexandre et associés
“Septeo solutions pour commissaires de justice. Une équipe compétente, professionnelle et très réactive sur tous les plans : technique, juridique et comptable. Merci aux équipes qui nous réservent toujours un accueil chaleureux.”
Elit Azur
Elit Azur
Pour avoir travaillé dans plusieurs collectivité, GaLexy répond, à mon sens, aux besoins qu’un service juridique peut rencontrer. Je trouve l’interface par ailleurs agréable et facile d’utilisation. Les fonctionnalités de GaLexy sur le volet Conseil et Contentieux répondent tout à fait aux enjeux des collectivités.
Céline Martini
Directrice juridique et de la coordination administrative
Ville de Nouméa
Switching to Secib is the best decision we made for our business. The Secib software has a cost but it is largely offset by time-saving and evolution: the software is constantly evolving. The team is unanimous, we have really gained fluidity, time-efficiency and we automate as much as possible.
Cédric Drouin - Secib néo
Associate lawyer
Cabinet Urban Conseil
When I need to manage my files, I want to be able to work from home, without having to lug a suitcase around. With Kivia, I take the practice with me anywhere and am autonomous in my travels. I have access to all the parts, including the email and phone displayed on the screen; there is no longer any need to click on the files to get the information. You see the case's essential data right from the start.
Christelle Dubrulle
Beyond estimating assistance, the CityScan report delivered by the Septeo Group's Real Estate Solutions allows us to reassure a future buyer about the qualities of a real estate location.
Benjamin MONDOU
Lafage Transactions Century 21 Agency
I use Septeo's CityScan as support throughout the cycle. It allows me to quickly respond to objections during the visit, but also throughout the transaction cycle: from the first contact with the seller, to closing the sale. CityScan is a powerful tool that I can rely on at an appraisal meeting, and the proof of my expertise. As for the complete file, including points of interest such as schools, shops or even transport, it is a very interesting and decisive source of information for buyers.
Laforêt Marseille 7ème
I have been using Softou's solutions, now Septeo Solutions for Court Enforcement Officers, for many years. I appreciate not only the relevance of their products, but also the ability of their teams to listen and adapt to more specific needs. Soolus is an application with a modern and renewed aesthetic without compromising on security and reliability.
Alexandre et associés
Satisfied with the Netty Software that we have been using since the beginning of the year. It's easy to move from one module to another without leaving work in progress. Having control over your site means you can customize it and keep it updated at all times. The team is responsive, I recommend it.
Weslay QUEMA
We were won over by the user-friendly and modular nature of the Foederis human capital management solution, which we adapt according to the needs of our organization.
Human Resources Manager
In Extenso


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