Privacy policy for


This privacy policy is addressed to you in your capacity as a user of the Website(hereinafter referred to as "the Website").

The Website is published by SEPTEO (hereinafter referred to as "SEPTEO"),a Simplified Joint-Stock Company with capital of €7,017,550, registered in the MontpellierTrade and Companies Register under no. 790 675 037, whose registered office isat Font de la Banquière, 194, avenue de la Gare Sud de France 34970 LATTES, France, the editor of the present document, and uses personal data.

SEPTEO attaches great importance to respecting your privacy andprotecting personal data. To this end, we are committed to the strictapplication of the regulations governing the protection of personal data,namely Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, known as the Data Protection Act, and Regulation no. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter the "General Data Protection Regulation").

The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you of the commitments andmeasures taken by SEPTEO to respect your privacy and protect your personaldata.

1. Data controller  

SEPTEO is responsible for the processing of personal data used in theoperation of the Website.

2. Purpose of data processing

PurposeData processed Legal basisShelf life

The proper functioning and ongoing improvement of the Website, its services and functionalities

  • URLs of the links through which you haveaccessed the Website;
  • IP address;
  • Browser type andversion;
  • Website navigation data.

Legitimate interest

6 months
Managing recruitment requests
  • Title, surname,first name
  • Surname, first name;
  • Telephone number, email, postcode;
  • The company.
Consent1 year
Commercial prospecting
  • Title, surname,first name;
  • Surname, first name;
  • Telephone number, email, postcode;
  • The company.

3 years from the last contact with the prospect

Analysing traffic and the use of elements of the WebsiteWebsite navigation data.Consent6 months
Managing requests to exercise rights
  • Surname, first name;
  • Postal address, email;
  • ID.
Legal obligation1 year

3. Data recipients

All or part of the data is destined for:

  • SEPTEO'sinternal departments. In this case, only the data strictly necessary forprocessing is transmitted to employees authorised to consult it by virtue oftheir duties. These employees who have access to your personal data are subjectto an obligation of confidentiality;
  • Our subcontractors, provided that they offer sufficient guarantees with regard tothe requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation;
  • Third parties likely to place cookies on your terminal when you have given your consent;
  • Third-party social networks. The Website uses social plugins provided and operated bythird-party companies, such as the Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube, Twitter andInstagram buttons. As a result, you may send third parties information that youview in a section of our Website. If you are not logged into your account withthe third party, the third party will not be able to know your identity. If youare logged into your account with the third party, then the third party will beable to link information or actions relating to your interactions with the Websiteto your account with the third party. Please consult the confidentiality policies of the third party concerned to find out more about their datapractices.

Your data will not be passed on, exchanged, sold or rented to anyoneother than those mentioned above.

4. Cookies

The website uses cookies. When you visit the Website,cookies are placed on your terminal.

You can inform yourself about the nature of the cookies deposited, andaccept or refuse them.

A cookie is a small text file placed on your terminal's hard drive whenyou visit a website. It records certain information about your browsing oronline behaviour.

The cookies used on the Website are used to differentiate you in orderto improve your browsing experience and the services we offer.

In practice, technical cookies enable us to authenticate and identifyyou.

Other audience measurement cookies and tracers may be used to compilestatistics on the Website's audience (measurement of the number of visits, thenumber of pages viewed, your activity, how often you return, etc.).

In any event, the cookies stored on your terminal or any other element used to identify you for audience statistics purposes will have a life limitedto a maximum of six (6) months, this period not being automatically extendedwhen you visit the Website again.

You have the right to withdraw your consent to the storage of cookies on your terminal at any time.

5. Data security

SEPTEO implements technical and organisational measures to ensure thesecurity of personal data processing and the confidentiality of the datacollected.

In this respect, we take all the necessary precautions, in view of thenature of the data and the risks represented by the processing, to preservesecurity and, in particular, to prevent data from being distorted, damaged oraccessed by unauthorised third parties (physical protection of premises, securehttps protocol, logging and traceability of connections to software deployedinternally).

However, if an incident affecting the integrity or confidentiality ofthe user's data is brought to SEPTEO's attention, SEPTEO undertakes to informthe user and inform him of the corrective measures taken.

6. Your rights

Inaccordance with the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Liberté)and the General Data Protection Regulation (Règlement Général à la protection des Données Personnelles), you have the following rights:

  • Right to limit the processing of personal data: you may obtain a limit on the processing of your personal data if you dispute the accuracy or lawfulness of the processing, if you object to the processing, or if you wish your data to be retained for evidential purposes.
  • Right of rectification and deletion: you may request that your data be rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Right to object: you may object to the processing of your data on the Website. However, SEPTEO is entitled not to respond to this request if it has legitimate and compelling reasons for processing your data.
  • Right to portability: you may obtain your data supplied to SEPTEO in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or obtain the transmission of this data to another data controller.
  • The right to determine what happens to your data after your death and to choose whether or not we pass on your data to a third party designated by you: in the event of your death and in the absence of any instructions from you, we undertake to destroy your data, unless its retention is necessary for evidential purposes or to meet a legal obligation.
  • Right to lodge a complaint: you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés.

7. Contact details for the Data Protection Officer

You can exercise these rights by contacting the DataProtection Officer at the following addresses

  • By e-mail:
  • By post: DPO - SEPTEO, Font de la Banquière, 194, avenue de la Gare Sud de France 34970 LATTES

The person making the request must give his or hercontact details (surname, first name, address and a copy of a signed identitydocument) and a legitimate reason where this is required by law (particularlyin the case of an objection).

If a copy of an identity document is communicated, itwill be kept for one or three years when this communication is made as part ofthe exercise of a right of opposition.

To find out more about your rights, please consult thewebsite of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés at thefollowing address:

In he event of a request to exercise your rights, wewill provide you with a response within the legal time limit of one month atthe latest. This time limit may be extended to two months depending on thecomplexity of the request or the number of requests received.