The purpose of these GeneralTerms and Conditions of Use is to define the provisions applicable to all useof the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website")and its services, in particular access to and use of the Website.

Article 1. Legal identification

This Website is published bySEPTEO (hereinafter referred to as "SEPTEO"), a SimplifiedJoint-Stock company with capital of 7,017,550 euros, registered in theMontpellier Trade and Companies Register under number 790 675 037, having itsregistered office at Font de la Banquière, 194, avenue de la Gare Sud de France34970 LATTES.  

Article 2. Warning to the user

By using and browsing the Website,you, as a user, agree to comply with these General Terms and Conditions of Use(hereinafter referred to as the "GCU"), which you acknowledgehaving read, understood and accepted in their entirety.

If you do not wish to acceptthese GCU, please do not browse the Website or download any material from it.

These GCU apply throughout theperiod of use of the Website and until new GCU replace the present ones.

Article3. Terms and conditions of use

In principle, the Website isaccessible to any user 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, free of charge.

SEPTEO undertakes to do itsutmost to ensure that users can access the Website at all times. However,SEPTEO cannot be held liable in the event of the Website being unavailable formaintenance, security tests, repairs or for any other reason whatsoever.

Notwithstanding the precedingparagraph, SEPTEO reserves the right to temporarily close the Website, inparticular for maintenance reasons or in the event of a breach of these GCU bythe user.

Access to the Website may beinterrupted for the purposes of maintenance, updating, infrastructureimprovement, infrastructure failure or any other reason, particularly of atechnical nature.

SEPTEO is in no wayresponsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may result forthe user. Interruption of access to the Website may not under any circumstancesresult in the payment of damages to the user.

SEPTEO and the host may not beheld liable in the event of malfunction of the internet network, telephonelines or computer and telephone equipment, in particular due to networkcongestion preventing access to the server.

Users acknowledge that theyhave the necessary skills and resources to access and use the Website. Theyalso acknowledge that they have checked that the configuration used does notcontain any viruses and is in perfect working order.

SEPTEO undertakes to make itsbest efforts to offer Users information and tools that are available, verifiedand secure, to update the content of the Website and to provide Users withaccurate information, the content of which it reserves the right to correct atany time and without notice.
However, SEPTEO cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of theinformation made available on the Website.

SEPTEO cannot be held responsible forerrors, lack of availability of information and/or the presence of viruses orother logical infections on its Website.

Users acknowledge that they use theinformation and tools available on the Website under their sole responsibility.

Article 4. Intellectual property rights

The website taken as a whole, aswell as each of its component parts taken independently, in particularprogrammes and specific developments and content including data, text, still oranimated images, sound, graphics, illustrations, logos, icons and files availablefor downloading, are the exclusive property of SEPTEO or of the third partythat has granted it a licence.

Any representation and/orreproduction and/or use of all or part of the Site or any of its components, byany means whatsoever, without the prior written consent of SEPTEO is strictlyprohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 etseq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. In particular, the presentationof any of the Website's pages on a web page that does not belong to SEPTEO isprohibited. Similarly, the creation of hypertext links to any page other thanthe Website's home page requires the prior and express written consent ofSEPTEO.

The trademarks and logos appearing onthe Website are trademarks registered by SEPTEO or by third parties. Anyreproduction, imitation or use, in whole or in part, of these distinctive signswithout the express authorisation of SEPTEO and in violation of theprohibitions set out in articles L713-2 of the French Intellectual PropertyCode will render the author liable.

Other distinctive signs, in particularcorporate names, trade names, brand names and domain names, reproduced on the Websiteare the property of SEPTEO or third parties and any reproduction withoutexpress
authorisation is likely to constitute usurpation for which the author will beheld liable on the basis of Article 1240 of the French Civil Code.
Access to the Website does not conferany right other than that of visiting its content.
Any use of the Website and/or itscomponent parts for other purposes, in particular for public, commercial orhumorous purposes, will be prosecuted.

The user undertakes to informSEPTEO without delay of any infringement of the latter's intellectual propertyrights that he may observe.

Article 5. Personal data

SEPTEO's commitments withregard to the collection, processing, security and storage of the Personal Dataof the User and the procedures for implementing the User's rights are set outin SEPTEO's Privacy Policy accessible on the Website.

Article 6. Liability

The use of the Website, itsservices and any element or information obtained via it is the soleresponsibility of the user.

SEPTEO does not provide theuser with any guarantee of any kind, express or implied, as to the quality ofthe services of the Website or their merchantability, the conformity of theservice or the result sought to the expectations of the user, and declines allresponsibility as to possible disputes, actions or recourse by third partieswho may claim rights, in particular private rights, over any content notcreated by SEPTEO.

Furthermore, SEPTEO shall not be heldliable, directly or indirectly, on any grounds whatsoever and for any reasonwhatsoever, in respect of :

  • The lack of performance of the Website
  • Loss of data or services resulting from failure to meet deadlines
  • Modification, suspension, or interruption of its services
  • The accuracy, quality, or nature of the information obtained through its services
  • Consequences arising directly or indirectly from the transmission of viruses via its servers
  • Interruption of the Website service due to maintenance operations or the behaviour of Website users
  • Inaccessibility to the Website
  • Contamination of Internet users' computer equipment resulting from the propagation of a virus or other computer infection

As a user of the Website, itis your responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect your owndata and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on theInternet.

SEPTEO shall also not be heldliable for any direct or indirect damage that may arise from the use of the Websiteor, on the contrary, from the impossibility of accessing the Website as aresult of faulty use by the user.

The Website may contain links to other Websitesnot managed and/or published by SEPTEO. SEPTEO has no control whatsoever overthe information, products or services offered by these other Websites andcannot therefore be held responsible for the content of such Websites.

The user undertakes to indemnify SEPTEOand hold it harmless against any liability, recourse, losses, costs, loss ofearnings, loss of data and any other direct or indirect damage arising from theviolation by the user of any of the provisions of these general terms andconditions.

Article 7. Changes

SEPTEO reserves the right tomodify these GCU as the Website evolves or due to changes in legislation, atits sole discretion.

Generally speaking, use of theWebsite by the user is always subject to the most recent version of the GCUavailable at the time of such use. It is the user's responsibility to consultthe GCU available on the Website as often as necessary.

Article 8. Disputes and jurisdiction

These GCU shall be governed byand construed in accordance with French law. Any dispute not settled by mutualagreement will be brought before the courts of competent jurisdiction.

In the event that any of theprovisions of the General Terms and Conditions are declared null and void orineffective, such provision shall be interpreted in such a way as to bestreflect the intentions of the parties and the remaining provisions shall bedeemed applicable by operation of law.