Our commitments

At Septeo, we believe in concrete actions rather than ambitious words. Our priority is to build a Group that truly cares for all its stakeholders.

Our ESG approach is guided by our Group's mission: “To provide reliable and sustainable solutions, because it is our responsibility to be present behind the essential moments in the lives of millions of citizens.”

“At Septeo, we have made the notion of responsibility a central element of our performance.
And as Europe's leading software publisher, we must ensure that our influence is in line with our collective commitments. As our software is part and parcel of the private lives of tens of millions of people every year, we owe it to ourselves to respond to the social and environmental challenges facing our businesses.”
It is within this framework that we are committed to ensuring that our clients, our employees and the stakeholders within our ecosystem are assured that our innovations and all the technological solutions we offer are in sync with a world where Ethics and Social and Environmental Responsibility coexist harmoniously.
Hugues Galambrun
Septeo CEO

Septeo Cares: a reflection of our commitments

Aware of our impact on and responsibility towards communities, the environment and our stakeholders, including our employees, we are actively taking action to bring about concrete and significant change.

In 2023, we launched 'Septeo Cares', a committee dedicated to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), reflecting our strong commitment to responsible and sustainable practices.

Bridging the digital divide, promoting diversity, equal opportunities & inclusion
To be a responsible software publisher by reducing our environmental impact & making our actions part of a sustainable development approach
Promoting well-being in the workplace & giving employees the opportunity to grow and flourish
Be a transparent and ethical business player so as to maintain and increase the trust of our stakeholders
Providing reliable & secure solutions to our stakeholders

Community, Planet, People… Les actions, partenariats & engagements ESG transverses du groupe

Chez Septeo, nous croyons fermement que chacun a le pouvoir de faire la différence. Grâce à notre partenariat France avec la plateforme d'engagement citoyen Vendredi, les collaborateurs ont la possibilité de s'engager sur leur temps de travail pour des actions solidaires.

Discover our White Paper

This white paper embodies our collective determination to establish a corporate culture based on zero tolerance of corruption.

Read our White Paper

Community: Bridging the digital divide, promoting diversity, equal opportunity & inclusion

At Septeo, we focus on diversity and inclusion, through our corporate culture & through our partners.

Equal opportunities with Télémaque :

  • With the involvement of our employees as mentors, guiding young people from 5th grade to senior year, offering crucial support to students from less privileged backgrounds no matter their academic success.

Support for diversity:

  • Contributing to the development of Café Joyeux in Montpellier, a network of café-restaurants employing people with mental and cognitive disabilities.
  • Promoting inclusion within the company through job adjustments and awareness-raising activities for disabled employees, coordinated by two volunteer contact point employees.

Commitment to sport:

  • Official partnerships with MHR and MHB since 2015, with RCM, an amateur rugby club in the Hérault region, and with BLMA (Basket Lattes Montpellier), a professional women's basketball club.
  • Involvement of our employees around the globe in charitable sporting events, demonstrating our commitment to the community.

+ more than €180k

donated to equal opportunities

+ de 300

employees involved in our community actions


carbon emissions between 2022 and 202

Planet: being a responsible software publisher that cares about its environmental impact

As a company operating in the software sector, we are aware of our responsibility towards the environment.

Commitment to a sustainable future:

  • Choosing  of service providers in line with our values & convictions.
  • Identifying, measuring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our business activities every year.

Raising awareness:

  • Providing charters & dedicated events (European Week for Waste Reduction, Digital Clean Up Day, etc.) for our employees.
  • Spreading eco-gestures on throughout all company premises.

Embodiments of our commitments:

  • Primobox, an entity of the Group, awarded the Responsible Digital Label in 2022.
  • Certification process for of the Group's holding company by 2025, in anticipation of the challenges of tomorrow.

People: QWL (Quality of Life at Work), a priority for Septeo

Certified “Great Place to Work”, here at Septeo we are committed to improving the experience of our Talents.

Employee well-being:

  • Open questioning and facilitating internal mobility
  • Talent training and development.

Quality onboarding:

  • A complete career path for new employees, from being hired to taking up their post.
  • “Buddy” mentoring program: welcoming new employees, identifying ambassadors and optimizing integration.

Potential development:

  • Freedom of expression, growth & professional development encouraged.
  • Creation of a unified and transparent managerial culture, through the Campus Manager, which brings together all Group managers, regardless of hierarchy.

Commitment to a shared corporate culture:

  • Being - Doing - Transforming, Together
  • Values that make sense, that reflect us & bring us together: Simplicity & Conviviality | Trust & Team Spirit | Commitment & Agility

At Septeo, we firmly believe that everyone has the power to make a difference.Thanks to our partnership in France with the Vendredi social commitment platform, employees have the opportunity to get involved in solidarity actions during working hours.


work-study students within the group


recruited through co-optation in 2023

+ more than 300

managers involved in Campus Manager




A whistle-blowing system which is available to all employees, enabling them to report any behavior they witness or experience that is contrary to Septeo's rules of conduct.
Access the system

Compliance: adopting best practices

As a committed and responsible group, we attach the utmost importance to compliance in the conduct of our business.

We are committed to rigorously complying with all applicable laws and regulations, particularly with regards to data protection, anti-corruption and free competition.

We continually strive to adopt best practices and ensure that our internal policies and procedures are aligned with the highest standards of transparency, ethics and integrity.

We maintain close relationships with our business partners and suppliers to ensure that they share our values and high standards regarding compliance.

Septeo is committed to maintaining high standards of ethical conduct and working towards a business environment of integrity and responsibility.

Cybersecurity: Providing reliable & secure solutions to our stakeholders

Information data security at the heart of our strategy:

  • Committed to ensuring the availability, confidentiality and integrity of our clients’ data.
  • Creation of the position of Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM) in 2020, responsible for implementing a cybersecurity program in line with ISO 27001, 27002, SOC2, and state-of-the-art technologies.

Dedicated cybersecurity team:

  • Establishment of a specialized team under the direction of the CISO, responsible for deploying the cyber strategy across all divisions and products.

Security Operations Center (SOC):

  • Operating an SOC to monitor all Group assets to detect attacks or malicious behavior.

Employee empowerment:

  • Actively solicitating employees to participate in security measures through their commitment, their exemplary behavior and their vigilance, in accordance with the Cybersecurity Charter and Best Practices guide.
  • Offer of a virtual cybersecurity coach to train teams in an immersive and interactive way.

ISO 27001 certification:

  • Obtaining ISO 27001 certification in April 2022, covering the hosting of software solutions developed by Septeo, thus offering maximum security to the 120,000 users of the Group's business solutions.
Download our cybersecurity charter

ISO 27001 certified since 2022

Septeo alongside ...

Agir pour devenir
Certification ISO 27001 Bureau Veritas
Montpellier Reine
MHB (Montpellier Handball)
MHR (Montpellier Hérault Rugby Club)
Fondation Saint-Pierre
RCM (Rugby Club Méditerranées Palavas)
Les Gazelles
Logo Jardin Bentenac
Logo Vendredi

Find out more about all our commitments in our ethics charter

At Septeo, integrity, transparency and respect are the foundations of our ethical commitment.

Download our complete charter