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Optimizing legal collaboration internally and externally

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Enable the legal department to collaborate and communicate internally and externally through digitalization.

How can we strengthen collaboration with the legal department?

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

The development of collaboration between legal departments and their partners is a trend that emerged when the digital transition of our society was accentuated, and with it, the strengthening of data security. Indeed, the use of software dedicated to collaboration makes it possible to strengthen their competitiveness by automating information exchange,  establishing validation procedures and file tracking systems, etc.

The use of non-dedicated computer tools by lawyers no longer fully meet current challenges regarding efficiency. Indeed, they have to deal with a bigger workload, more demanding clients and shorter deadlines. They therefore seek to be more effective and relevant when it comes to responding to the requests of their internal clients. Lawyers also expect the same efficiency from their external partners, for example law firms. Using tools that allow them to reach their efficiency standard then becomes necessary.

Collaborative work: a legal department's best asset

Establishing collaborative work - within the legal department itself but also with your internal clients and external partners or service providers - is the starting point for an effective and open legal service.

Here are some simple tips on how to promote collaboration and communication of a legal department to increase productivity:

Give the entire legal team visibility on current and previous issues

To prevent your teams from doing the same work over and over again, be sure to keep a history of what you were asked for, and what you answered. This will allow your teams to pool all the advice and expertise provided previously. Some internal clients may also multiply their requests to several of your employees in order to obtain several answers: avoid this type of situation as well. Capitalize on your legal department's knowledge and skills!

Promote exchanges with your internal client to understand the specificities of their activity

The activities of your legal team differ greatly depending on your internal clients' departments and functions. It is important to foster a work environment where lawyers become partners of their internal clients and the operational team. Collaboration is the key to success!

Promote the expertise of legal teams and establish a transversal dialogue

It is when operational teams realize that lawyers can provide them with innovative, creative legal advice that is in line with their needs that the legal department benefits from better recognition internally, and its members are therefore considered as reliable advisers and contributors with high added value. It is therefore important to communicate in such a way that your company's employees understand your role and fully appreciate your ability to support and advise them.

Demonstrate the added value of the legal department

There is a need to communicate more generally internally about the services and contributions provided by the entire legal department. Promoting your activities' transparency and recognition is as important as providing internal clients with reliable advice in a timely manner. To communicate the value of your legal department, you can produce an annual report on its performance and present it to the management of your company. Some savvy legal departments already use management tools that measure workload and provide reports of key performance indicators and graphical representations to facilitate comparisons, observe changes and implement actions to improve their service.

Corporate legal technologies at the service of a growing need for communication

To meet this increased need for communication as efficiently as possible, legal departments can now rely on tools that promote collaboration, knowledge sharing, transparency so as to develop legal performance. Legal Suite solutions make it possible to structure and standardize procedures, promote exchanges and interactions in real time with your internal clients and external partners and ensure the traceability and archiving of all department operations.

The benefits of digitized legal collaboration

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Secure the storage and sharing of sensitive information
  • Streamline communication and collaboration between internal departments and with third parties
  • Automate repetitive tasks and reduce the risk of human error
  • Be in compliance with current laws and regulations
  • Secure the storage and sharing of sensitive information
  • Streamline communication and collaboration between internal departments and with third parties
  • Automate repetitive tasks and reduce the risk of human error
  • Be in compliance with current laws and regulations

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