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Kivia: notary business management software

A technological environment designed to increase your notary office's efficiency.
Compatible products:

AI-based Kivia's functionalities

Optimize the creation of your formalities and file tracking

The AI creates the file, client files, and pre-selects formalities. Information is centralized and tracked for better management of your files.

Facilitate exchanges between services

Tracking and allocating funds or transfers facilitates communication between the writer and the accountant.

Work remotely and on the go

With the mobile application, Kivia promotes remote work and collaboration within the firm and/or group.

Manage your files and office's activity

Performance indicators allow you to monitor your activity. Make the right decisions: monitor production, workload, accounting, clients, and HR.

Improve productivity and switch to a digitalized notary office

Simplify every task of the office. 

Automatic file creation

AI analyzes document data (pre-contract, reservation contract and loan) and automatically creates client files and records.

  • Identify key information.
  • Confirm suggestions.
  • Integration into the file.
Création automatique du dossier
Suivi d'avancement du dossier‍

File progress tracking

Visualize file milestones at a glance.

  • Customized milestones.
  • Notify deadlines.
  • Summary table of all files.

Kivia mobile app

Access your data at any time: files, documents, client, partner, and employee files.

  • Access to the client directory.
  • Add documents.
  • Modify files and records.
  • Multi-office compatible.
Application mobile Kivia
Agenda Outlook

Outlook calendar

Link your files and clients to your Outlook appointments.

  • Notification participants' arrival.
  • Confirmation of appointment by email and SMS.
  • Multi-office compatible.

Find out how Kivia can increase your firm's potential

100% Cloud and AI-based

Kivia is a scalable offer with interconnected functionalities.

Comprising an advanced procedure production base, it is enhanced by 4 complementary packages: K.flow,, K.connect, and

  • Automatic determination of formalities
  • Automatic retrieval of urban planning documents: geohazards and cadastral plan
  • Dematerialization and creation of the file assisted by AI
  • Monitoring file progress
  • Performance and HR indicators
  • Transfer orders and tracking of incoming funds
  • From Outlook appointments: file link & comparators, multi-offices
  • Web home page, quick access, multi-screen

Our technological partners


Our technology partners

Is Kivia replacing Inot?

No, Kivia is a complement, your production tool remains the same.

Is it multi-office compatible?

Yes, the change from one office to another takes place instantly from Kivia.

Is there more information than in Inot?

Yes, the dematerialized file brings together the information from your paper file...

Do I need special Internet access?

Kivia is accessible everywhere, even outside the practice.

Request a demo

Find out how to optimize your notary office's management.