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Secure your data and protect your firm

Opt for peace of mind thanks to adapted technologies and a team of cybersecurity experts.
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With advanced security

Real-time response

Real-time detection and analysis of suspicious activities on computers and networks.

24/7 support

Isolation of the compromised workstation with alert and recommendation to IT service providers.

Advanced remediation

Restoring affected infrastructures and reinstalling compromised systems for rapid business recovery.

Advanced security package's essentials

From traditional antivirus to a team of cybersecurity experts, you can be sure that we will have your back.


Detects and eliminates malicious software on a computer or network based on a known virus signatures database.

EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response)

Detects and eliminates malicious software on a computer or network based on a database of known virus signatures.

MDR (Managed Detection and Response)

A certified security experts team ensures 24/7 security: prevention, detection, remediation, and research of targeted and risk-based threats.

Find out how Septeo can help you protect your firm against cyberattacks and ensure data security for you and your clients.

Our technological partners

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More information

To find out more about Septeo's advanced security package, fill out the form below. An advisor will call you back as soon as possible.