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Management of the legal department

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Automating the activity of the legal department is made possible by efficient procedures and management tools.

Establish efficient management procedures and tools to optimize the management of the legal department

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

To manage the legal department's activity, it is important to put in place effective management procedures and tools. These must be adapted to the needs and size of the organization.

  • Define goals and performance indicators: it is essential to define specific goals and performance indicators to measure and assess the legal department's performance.
  • Establish a case management system to track and manage legal files. This system can include case tracking tools, automated document management tools, and collaboration tools within the legal department or other departments of the company, or even external to the company.
  • Establish quality control procedures to ensure that legal services provided comply with current standards and legislation.
  • Use technological tools: the use of technological tools such as the Legal Suite software suite helps to improve the legal department's efficiency and productivity.
  • Train and make employees aware of the standards and legislation in force.

Manage the legal department's activity by using performance indicators

Often mistakenly perceived as a reason for control, KPIs are more intended to become an asset for legal departments. A true team dashboard, makes it possible to measure daily activity in order to assess performance. A well-known and recognized practice for functions such as finance or marketing, performance measurement now tends to be applied throughout companies. Like financial or marketing services, the legal department, as a player in company activity, is increasingly integrated into measurement processes.

Defining clear and measurable goals for the legal department is essential to ensure that activities are aligned with the company's strategic priorities. Managing the performance of legal departments can be done by setting up a procedure for measuring and monitoring performance. This system may include performance indicators that measure the quality and productivity of legal services, as well as cost analysis and processing times. Indicators may also include measures such as the success rate of disputes, the number of complaints resolved, the number of procedures successfully completed, the number of proceedings in progress, etc. The legal department can also implement automation and digitization systems to improve efficiency and productivity.

Performance indicators are therefore essential tools for managing the performance of a legal department. By objectively measuring the performance of the department, it is possible to monitor the progress of projects and to make informed decisions.

These indicators are also necessary in terms of management, since they make it possible to significantly improve team management. Indeed, they offer a clear overview of task distribution and balancing the time spent on the various projects in order to define tailor-made objectives. In addition, they make it possible to identify specific needs in order to promote them to senior management and to value their contribution to the company's results.

Management of the company's legal activity, an asset for the company

It is important to establish processes and methods to monitor and analyze these performance indicators on a regular basis. This may include setting up an information system to track and analyze data, creating reports and presentations to share information with business managers, and setting up control processes to ensure that goals are met.

The results obtained should be communicated regularly to company management and other relevant departments to ensure that the legal department is aligned with business priorities and to justify the budgets and resources allocated.

By adopting a solution like Legal Suite, you can efficiently manage the legal department's activity and ensure that it contributes positively to the company's strategic goals.

Benefits of automating the management of the legal department

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Measuring daily activity
  • Evaluating the legal department's performance
  • Creating reports in a simplified way
  • Improving and streamlining communication with senior management
  • Measuring daily activity
  • Evaluating the legal department's performance
  • Creating reports in a simplified way
  • Improving and streamlining communication with senior management

Our modular suite to help your legal department

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