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Best practices

Optimization of corporate litigation management

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Ensure the active and effective management of disputes and litigation of all kinds.

A litigation management solution, a strategic investment

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

According to the report by Blue Hill Research “The Business Value of Legal Spend Management Investments”, the transition from manual management to a complete litigation management system including the dematerialization of invoices, allows:

  • 21% reduction in processing time
  • An average annual saving of $1,109,850.
  • 4% reduction in recurring external expenses
  • 4.5% reduction in external expenses
  • The average investment of 1% of external legal expenses

Active and effective litigation management

A software solution ensures the active and effective management of disputes and litigations of any kind (commercial, arbitration, civil, administrative, criminal, labor, etc.). Tracking and retrieving the history of proceedings and setting up alerts, guarantees precise analysis of the financial risks and costs of each case. Beyond the precise history of each case, a litigation management solution provides a global and relevant image of your risks, your challenges and the impact of your management.

Results thanks to a litigation management solution

  1. Organization and efficiency: Help your legal teams track cases and their progress, manage documents and other case items, and streamline communication with clients, courts, and other parties.
  2. Time Management: Manage your time more efficiently, automatically receive reminders for upcoming deadlines, and prioritize tasks.
  3. Enhanced collaboration: Collaborate more effectively through a centralized platform designed for information sharing. Avoid communication problems, reduce the risk of errors, and improve the overall quality of legal work.
  4. Increased productivity: By automating many of the manual tasks involved in the litigation process, you will become more productive with faster case resolution and better client satisfaction.
  5. Data analysis and reports: gain valuable insights and data on the performance of the legal team, including information on case resolution times, client satisfaction, and other key metrics. Identify areas for improvement and make decisions based on real-time data to optimize daily operations.

The benefits of a litigation management solution

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Conducting a risk management policy
  • Controlling the financial impact of your litigation
  • Precise analysis of the financial risks and costs of each business
  • Control of issues, risks and provisions
  • Management of expenses, fees and budget
  • Conducting a risk management policy
  • Controlling the financial impact of your litigation
  • Precise analysis of the financial risks and costs of each business
  • Control of issues, risks and provisions
  • Management of expenses, fees and budget

Our products to help you

Our products

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