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Azko: Social network management for your notary office

Azko supports your notary firm in developing your communication on social networks to boost visibility and get more customers.
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Benefits for your notary office

Social networks visibility

Develop your brand awareness through social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram. With the right social media strategy and management, a notary's office can target a wider audience beyond its existing clients.

Customer relationship digitalization

Share content and legal news about the notary's profession via your social networks. Being visible online demonstrates that your notary's office is up to date with the latest trends while preserving your image and expertise.

Compliance with notary ethics

Rely on our social networking services to comply with notarial ethics. We advise you on all these rules to develop your professional social network within your profession's framework.

Customized professional social network

Keep your brand image and online reputation under control. Thanks to a team of dedicated community managers available viaWhatsApp, you are guaranteed to retain direct control over posts on your different social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram).

Communicate on social networks efficiently

With Azko, benefit from optimal social community management to improve your online visibility within your notary's office.

Create tailored content for your social networks

Our experts offer you a range of formats to share on your social networks

  • Writing articles and legal briefs to share information about the notary profession.
  • Highlight your team to humanize your notary's office.
  • Relay events to share your notary's office news with your customers.
  • Reporting on different profiles to harmonize your social networks.

Develop your social networks with experts

Azko's community managers provide expert support for your business Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin accounts.

  • Editorial calendar management and follow-up.
  • Post creation for social networks adapted to your office's charter.
  • Social network community development.
  • Compliance with professional ethics.

Handling social media moderation

Our teams moderate and reply to the different opinions or comments posted by users on your social networks.

  • Prior consultation with your notary's office to ensure compliance.
  • Comments and opinions are checked to maintain a consistent brand image.
  • Control your e-reputation on social networks.
  • Stay close to your customers.

Track your social network performance

Your notary's office dedicated community manager shares precise, detailed statistics on your publications.

  • Track user engagement with your publications.
  • Follow-up reports to measure key performance indicators.
  • Advice on how to maximize your return on investment in your publications.
  • Growth rate measurement for your social networks (subscriber evolution).

Find out how Azko can help you manage your communication

All our services

  • Page creation: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • Personalized publications: texts, visuals, identification
  • Social web design: respect for the graphic charter of studies and ethics
  • Legal content creation: original articles and legal monitoring

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