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Best practices

Information and client requests centralization

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Centralize data and facilitate access to information to improve organization and respond to your client's needs more effectively (owners, tenants, co-owners).

Opt for a business solution integrating events and client requests management

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

In fact, for more efficient management, you should opt for an integrated solution that includes an application for managing events or interventions. This solution is directly connected to your business software, which avoids entering information twice and makes it possible to record intervention history in the property or condominium's archived data. This way, in addition to messages related to the incident, you will be able to consult provider quotes, selected supplier invoices, as well as the corresponding payment.

Centralize client events and requests to improve responsiveness

An event management or ticketing platform allows you to centralize all types of requests in one place. This includes the management of works and interventions on lots or buildings (quotes, service orders, etc.), the management of real estate claims and damage to structures, the follow-up of disputes, as well as other types of client requests.

Use a solution dedicated to rental or trustee management

These solutions are highly appreciated by clients, as they guarantee transparency and responsiveness. All employees have access to the data, and clients can follow the status of their requests from their extranet.

By using this solution, you can set up a well-organized process, ensure reliable client support, and achieve high client satisfaction. It also makes it possible to streamline the relationship between property managers and service providers.

Why use a Rental Management software that centralizes client requests?

If a tenant notices an incident in their apartment, they can inform their manager directly via their extranet. The manager then receives an alert and can handle the request accordingly.

To resolve the incident, the manager requests a quote from the supplier through the application. Once the estimate is received, it has to be validated by the property owner before establishing a service order for the supplier to intervene.

The manager must also inform the tenant of the progress of the work and the closure of the file once the incident has been resolved.

Why use Trustee Management software that centralizes client requests?

If a co-owner notices an incident in the building's common areas, they can inform their trustee directly via their extranet. The manager then receives an alert on their business application and can process the request accordingly.

To resolve the incident, the trustee can file a claim or request a quote directly from a supplier. The amount of the estimate will be validated by the trustee council directly or at the next general meeting.

The trustee must inform the co-owners of the progress of the request and close the file once the incident has been resolved.

Monitor your follow-up and boost client satisfaction

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Opt for an integrated solution with an event or intervention management application
  • Avoid double-entering information
  • Record intervention history in the archived data of the property or condominium
  • Guarantee reliable client support and achieve high client satisfaction
  • Opt for an integrated solution with an event or intervention management application
  • Avoid double-entering information
  • Record intervention history in the archived data of the property or condominium
  • Guarantee reliable client support and achieve high client satisfaction

Offers to help you

Our products

  • SPI Rental Management

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