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Your need

Gain efficiency in co-ownership property management

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Effective management solutions to automate administrative tasks and improve client relations.

Making your co-ownership management more effective

Vos enjeux

In November 2021, the National Association for the Defense of Consumers and Users (CLCV - Confederation du logement et du cadre de vie) revealed the results of its fourth survey in which co-owners were questioned about their trustee and co-ownership management.

According to the survey's conclusions, the most important qualities for a trustee to possess are rigor and responsiveness.

It will therefore be imperative for co-ownership managers to equip themselves with effective management tools to optimize their task management and focus on their main objective: to be available and to listen to their clients.

Ensuring easy access to data and information

The trustee profession has long suffered from a bad reputation, as co-owners considered themselves poorly informed and not sufficiently involved in the management of their co-ownerships. Legislation has made great progress in this area, in particular with ALUR (a French law that affects property co-ownership), which has, since 2015, made separate accounts mandatory, as well as a co-owner extranet to disseminate co-ownership accounting information.

But transparency should not be limited to the extranet, which is only a tool; it must be present at all stages of the trustee's intervention with co-ownership properties.

Improving communication with co-owners

Trustees have tools at their disposal that allow them to centralize information and make daily operations visible. These tools facilitate exchanges with all co-owners, while providing them with information more effectively.

Increase my agency's productivity:

To increase your agency's productivity, you can automate of trustee tasks. This approach reduces payroll and overhead costs while improving your business's efficiency and productivity. In fact, automating tasks reduces errors and delays, improves the quality of customer service, and frees up time for your team to focus on more important, high-value tasks.

Between automating time-consuming tasks, improving communication between co-owners, centralization and facilitating access to information, trustees can benefit from solutions to become more efficient in managing their co-ownership properties on a day-to-day basis.

Your real estate management needs

Vos besoins

  • Replace aging software or software that is no longer adapted to the real estate agency's development
  • Manage the real estate agency's performance and manage/retain its teams
  • Entering new management or trustee mandates
  • Replace aging software or software that is no longer adapted to the real estate agency's development
  • Manage the real estate agency's performance and manage/retain its teams
  • Entering new management or trustee mandates

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Our real estate management solutions

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