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Your need

What software can you use to help my clients remotely?

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Providing remote computer support and taking control of a computer or server without needing to be physically present is essential for IT professionals.

Assisting your clients remotely: why has it become essential?

Vos enjeux

Being responsive to a client's possible incidents and problems without having to be there in person makes offering a complementary quality service possible.

  • Save time and money: remote IT support allows IT professionals to quickly resolve issues encountered by end users, without having to physically travel to the site. This saves time and reduces travel costs.
  • Speed of intervention: With remote control, IT professionals can solve problems in real time, without having to wait for a technician to be available to visit the site. This makes it possible to quickly intervene and to minimize downtime.
  • Improving user satisfaction: end users appreciate the speed and efficiency of remote IT support because it allows them to get back to work quickly. This can help improve end user satisfaction and strengthen the relationship of trust between IT professionals and end users.
  • Remote management of multiple sites: For businesses with multiple sites, remote control allows IT professionals to manage computers and servers at each site from a single centralized location. This simplifies IT management and reduces the costs associated with managing multiple sites.
  • Remote server management and control: beyond user assistance, IT professionals are in charge of managing company servers, so they need to intervene remotely in order to maintain infrastructures in good working order.

The health crisis has accelerated the digitalization of businesses, so the need for remote assistance to users has increased and developed strongly. IT providers must therefore offer a fast remote assistance service that does not require any prior installation. This remote control service must also make it possible to take control of a server without prior consent in order to anticipate an incident and/or a failure. Discover our remote control assistance solution.

Remote access: a full web solution without prior installation

  • Connect remotely to client workstations and servers
  • Taking control of a server without consent
  • Remote computer support
  • Assisting its clients in mobility and teleworking
  • Agentless remote control

Remote control solution for IT professionals

Vos besoins

  • Full web remote control
  • Remote control without a user license
  • Remote control with support in French
  • Assisting its customers in real time
  • Full web remote control
  • Remote control without a user license
  • Remote control with support in French
  • Assisting its customers in real time

Questions you may be asking yourself?

Les Questions que vous vous posez ?

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Questions you may be asking yourself?

Les Questions que vous vous posez ?

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Complementary solutions

Our solutions

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If your request concerns a partnership or technical assistance, please send us an email at