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Your need

Protect and secure file and client data

Discover our solutions

Cybercriminals no longer hesitate to target law firms. You need to protect your infrastructure and data from these attacks.

Your data: your most valuable asset

Vos enjeux

A law firm's assets are not only the walls in which its members operate and the furniture it is equipped with. It is the intangible heritage of these assets that is of the greatest value. This intangible heritage is mainly made up of the firm's own data (personal and professional client data, personal staff information, documentary collections, and archives), and data belonging to its clients and hosted within the files themselves (contracts, banking data, patents, etc.).

The theft or blocking of this data has consequences on several levels.

  • Firstly, for your law firm, whose production and invoicing come to a standstill, whose reputation is damaged and sees its client relations permanently altered.
  • Secondly for your clients, who may see confidential documents and information they entrusted to you stolen or vanish into thin air. The sensitivity and value of this data, as well as the associated reputational and client relations issues, make it essential to protect it.

This protection is implemented at several levels (office, server and service provider) and involves all members of your teams, since the human factor is involved in more than 90% of cyberattacks.

To manage your firm

Vos besoins

  • Invoicing and collecting
  • Organize reception and secretariat
  • Analyze and manage my business
  • Manage and process my files and acts
  • Increase my visibility
  • Build client loyalty
  • Invoicing and collecting
  • Organize reception and secretariat
  • Analyze and manage my business
  • Manage and process my files and acts
  • Increase my visibility
  • Build client loyalty

All the questions you may have about securing your data

Les Questions que vous vous posez ?

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All the questions you may have about securing your data

Les Questions que vous vous posez ?

Where is my firm's data stored?

Septeo Lawyers clients' data is stored redundantly on several data centers, all located in France, and therefore subject to French and European data protection laws.

Without a server in my offices, how can I be sure of the security of my data?

All appropriate security measures are taken to protect servers and the data they host from cyberattacks: antivirus, firewall, redundant backup chain... And these systems evolve at the same time as cyber threats, contrary to what an “on premise” server can offer. The Septeo sovereign cloud is ISO 27001 certified in terms of the protection of sensitive data (health, banking, etc.).

Our solutions for securing your data

Our solutions

Tell us about your project

Please fill out this form and a member of our team will contact you to schedule a demonstration of the solution and answer any questions you may have.

If your request concerns a partnership or technical assistance, please send us an email at