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Best practices

Risk States

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Quickly obtain reliable and compliant Risk Reports.

Gagnez du temps en sous-traitant vos Etats des Risques

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

Since 2006 and the publication of the IAL decree (information for the purchaser of the tenant), the establishment of a Risk and Pollution Report has continued to become more complex. It is therefore essential to surround yourself with risk experts for the preparation of this document to be included in DDT.

Monitoring and ensuring the compliance of your documents

Indeed, when it comes to producing Risk Reports, the constant monitoring of regulations in force is essential. However, this task can be tedious and time-consuming for you while not being certain of the completeness of the regulatory data. By choosing to entrust this mission to a risk professional, you benefit from constant monitoring by experts, who ensure that your risk statements are always up to date and in compliance with the latest legal requirements. You can thus focus on your core business with complete peace of mind, without fear of missing crucial information.

Your documents accompanied by a professional insurance policy covering the risk of up to several million euros

The realization of Risk States always involves a certain level of responsibility. Recognizing the risks to which you are exposed, an expert firm offers you total peace of mind. In fact, each order placed is automatically accompanied by professional liability insurance with a coverage of several million euros. You are thus protected against possible disputes or claims, which allows you to carry out your business with confidence.

A production cost 10 times lower than an in-house production

As in any professional activity, cost control is essential for your business. By outsourcing the preparation of your risk statements, you benefit from specialized expertise without incurring the costs associated with the internal management of this task. Our competitive rates allow you to reduce your costs up to 10 times compared to doing it in-house, while guaranteeing an optimal level of quality.

Rely on experts to create your Risk States

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Free yourself from the constant monitoring of the State of Risks
  • Benefit from a legal guarantee
  • Take advantage of significant time savings to carry out tasks with greater added value
  • Free yourself from the constant monitoring of the State of Risks
  • Benefit from a legal guarantee
  • Take advantage of significant time savings to carry out tasks with greater added value

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