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Quickly obtain compliant Risk Assessments

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Diagnostics, save time and ensure you have reliable and compliant Risk Reports.

Réalisation d'un Etat des Risques : complexité technique et juridique

Vos enjeux

When it comes to carrying out real estate diagnostics, you are faced with various complex tasks. Among these, the control of Risk States is of particular importance, and yet its implementation should not be overlooked.

Technical and legal complexity

Achieving a Risk Report internally represents a major challenge. Indeed, risk regulations are constantly evolving, which requires constant monitoring, which is not always easy to follow. Especially since the official sites themselves indicate that they are only an aid to the preparation of a Risk Report and that it is up to the producer of this document to find out about the accuracy of the information contained. Finally, it is also essential to stay informed of the latest legislation and technical standards in force as to the content of the Risk Report itself. You are in a very good position to know that it evolves very regularly, whether by name, form and content. (Around 90 daily updates across the country)

Time-consuming nature of carrying out a Risk Report

Carrying out a Risk Report alone can be carried out, in collecting the necessary information, writing the document and regularly updating the data. With a busy schedule and regular trips to carry out other diagnoses, the Risk State can quickly be overlooked.

A source of legal litigation

The risk of neglecting the implementation of the Risk State is that this can lead to legal disputes. Indeed, it is a mandatory document that must be fair and complete, and it is the only document in the technical diagnosis file (DDT) that can lead to a resolution of the contract, i.e. a cancellation of a sale or lease. Regularly, an erroneous Risk Report leads to beliefs and sanctions of up to several hundreds of thousands of euros, especially in the event of cancellation of the sale.

Subcontract your Risk States

Vos besoins

  • Save Time in Carrying Out Risk Statements
  • Obtain Risk Statements verified by experts
  • Protect yourself legally and meet the compliance requirements of your professional liability insurance
  • Save Time in Carrying Out Risk Statements
  • Obtain Risk Statements verified by experts
  • Protect yourself legally and meet the compliance requirements of your professional liability insurance

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