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Best practices

The cloud and data security

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Guarantee your business's continuity with complete peace of mind. Secure your data thanks to the Cloud and get support from experts.

Guarantee your data's security and business continuity

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

Having a safe work environment that's always available is a must for your firm. By benefiting from a scalable and mobile infrastructure, you'll be able to run your business more efficiently. In addition, your firm's information system must have reinforced security.

If it isn't already, your data will soon be hosted in the Cloud. This means:

  • A secure, always-available work environment,
  • An infrastructure that evolves with your needs,
  • Easy, mobile access to your business tools, from any terminal connected to the Internet,
  • Freedom from physical servers at the office.

All these characteristics allow you to continue your business with peace of mind.

The security of your information system, the true backbone of your business, must be an absolute priority. To limit the risks of an incident or a cyber attack as much as possible, consideration should be given to:

  • Migrating physical servers to a cloud environment,
  • Raising awareness about cyber risks among notaries and employees,
  • Surround yourself with experts to support you.

Cloud hosting significantly reduces the risks of incidents and cybercrime, compared to storage on a physical server at the firm.

Centralize the outsourcing of your IT equipment

Get support for the supervision and installation of your equipment. Take advantage of expert know-how to manage your IT equipment: installation, configuration and management of your IT equipment through its lifecycle.

Free yourself from time-consuming support, security, and management tasks. Rent cutting-edge equipment with premium services. Keep your IT equipment in top operating and security condition. So you can concentrate on your core business.

So you can concentrate on your core business.

Enjoy a secure environment

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Secure your data
  • Improve your mobility
  • Use cutting-edge equipment
  • Get support from experts
  • Secure your data
  • Improve your mobility
  • Use cutting-edge equipment
  • Get support from experts

Our products and services to guarantee your office's security

Our products

Other best practices

Nos clients

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