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Best practices

Digital communication management of the firm

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Stand out by developing your image and your online presence.

Specialized digital communication

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

In an increasingly connected world, you need to offer an experience that meets your clients' expectations. Though advertising may be prohibited in your notary firm, informative communication is not only allowed but encouraged.

Your communication should be informative and highlight your expertise, both for your audience and for your colleagues.

Specialists are at your service to help you distinguish and promote your firm, while respecting ethical standards.

Digital communication tools become essential for promoting your firm, your expertise and creating relationships with your clients. Developing a unique and attractive brand identity sets you apart from your colleagues. This identity is reflected in your logo, your documents, your website, your social networks, etc.

The website, the first point of entry to the firm

To improve the notary firm's visibility and reputation, it is necessary to have a compliant, modern and ergonomic website. It is one of the first points of entry to your firm. Your clients first seek information online before calling on the services of their notary. This website must also be well-referenced to appear in the first search results.

The showcase offered by social networks

In addition, the firm can take advantage of the showcase offered by Social networks to highlight its services. On average, we spend 1h46 per day on social networks, exchanging, promoting, recruiting, sharing, and recommending. This communication channel gives your clients instant access to information.

Additional services integrated into your production tools

To further improve the experience you offer your clients, implement services into your production tools. Client area, online payment, and appointment scheduling, real estate ads... Combine all the steps to simplify your exchanges.

Make your firm more attractive

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Develop your reputation
  • Highlighting the firm's expertise
  • Improve your employer brand
  • Develop your reputation
  • Highlighting the firm's expertise
  • Improve your employer brand

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