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Your need

Obtain reliable Risk Statements and regulatory urban planning documents

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As a notary, your duty to advise involves providing Risk Statements and urban planning documents necessary for real estate transactions.


Vos enjeux

During real estate transactions (such as the sale, purchase, donation, exchange, mortgage or division of a property), it is important to check that the current urban planning rules are respected and that the property can be used according to the wishes of the buyer or seller.

Ensuring the legal security of real estate transactions

One of your missions is ensuring the legal security of real estate transactions. In this context, the urban planning documents and risk statements governing the use of the land involved in a transaction must be reliable and comply with current regulations.

Urban planning documents, such as local urban plans (PLU) or land use plans (POS), as well as risk statements, set out building regulations, buildable areas, easements, locations reserved for public facilities, etc. It is therefore essential for these documents to be secure and up-to-date in order to avoid future disputes between parties.

Difficulties related to Risk Statements and urban planning documents

Despite their importance, obtaining and validating these documents can be difficult for several reasons:

  • Complex regulations: Urban planning regulations are complex and constantly evolving. Urban planning documents such as local urban plans (PLU) or land use plans (POS) are subject to strict rules and their content may vary depending on the municipality or department. As a result, it is sometimes difficult to ensure that urban planning documents are up-to-date and comply with current regulations.
  • Lack of transparency: Consulting urban planning documents can sometimes be difficult or expensive. The information in these documents may be incomplete or their interpretation unclear, making them difficult to use.
  • Errors or omissions: Urban planning documents and risk statements may contain errors or omissions, which can have significant consequences on real estate projects. For example, an error in the boundaries of a building can prevent the real estate project from going ahead.
  • Slow document update: Urban planning documents can take time to be updated, which can make it difficult to obtain reliable and up-to-date documents. Indeed, the revision of local urban plans (PLU) can take several years, which can have consequences on the viability of certain real estate projects.

To conclude, given the importance of these documents and the complexity involved in obtaining them, it may be advisable to equip yourself with expert solutions in this field.

Your needs

Vos besoins

  • Increase my firm's productivity and efficiency
  • Develop notarial activity within the firm
  • Develop my firm's reputation and build client loyalty
  • Increase my firm's productivity and efficiency
  • Develop notarial activity within the firm
  • Develop my firm's reputation and build client loyalty

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