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Accelerating mandate drafting and signing

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Find out how speed up sales mandate drafting and signing phases in full compliance.

Digitize mandate drafting and signing

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

Creating a sales mandate is an essential element in a property sale process. A real estate sales mandate is a contract that binds a seller to a real estate agent or a real estate agency for the sale of their property. It is important to create a real estate sales mandate carefully and meticulously, as it is a legal document that determines the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved in the real estate transaction.

Creating a sales mandate cannot be improvised

Real estate sales mandates must be written accurately, as they establish the terms and conditions of the sale and serve as written proof of the transaction. The document should be clear, accurate, and complete, and should include all relevant information about the property, such as its description, location, area, amenities included, etc. It should also include the terms of sale, such as the asking price, payment terms, agency fees, etc.

Use a mandate creation solution

The sooner the sales mandate is signed, the sooner the agent can start promoting the asset and finding potential buyers. By using a digital solution for creating a mandate, agents will be able to reduce the time it takes to put their assets up for sale, but also maximize their chances of selling them at the best possible price.

Choosing a recognized assisted creation solution guarantees mandates that are perfectly legally compliant and updated in real-time by teams of lawyers dedicated to the real estate market. It also means eradicating input errors by creating mandates through a more didactic approach.

Electronic signature to reduce processing times

The last essential step in accelerating the process for real estate agents is using the electronic signature.

This allows you to sign a document online, without having to print, scan and return the document. This saves time and reduces processing times. The electronic signature is also very secure, as it uses encryption techniques to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the signed document. It is therefore just as valid as a handwritten signature. By using electronic signatures, salespeople and real estate agents can speed up the sales process and close the deal more quickly.

Reduce sales times

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Accelerating the process of signing the mandate reduces the time it takes to put the property up for sale
  • Opt for a mandate creation solution recognized on the market in order to obtain 100% compliant documents
  • Equip yourself with a secure electronic signature solution
  • Accelerating the process of signing the mandate reduces the time it takes to put the property up for sale
  • Opt for a mandate creation solution recognized on the market in order to obtain 100% compliant documents
  • Equip yourself with a secure electronic signature solution

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