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Your need

Obtain estimates and turn them into mandates

Discover our solutions

Learn how to effectively get estimate requests and transform into sales mandates.

The challenges

Vos enjeux

A key step in the sales cycle, taking a mandate is a major challenge for the real estate agent. It is conditioned by the quality of the lead seller as well as the professionalism and brand image of the agency. The ability of the real estate agent to convince the owner to entrust him with the sales mandate upon the presentation of a precise and justified price estimate is also crucial.

However, in a context of a contracting market and strong competition among real estate players, this step is always more complex to take. It requires professionals to have innovative and differentiating tools that save time and therefore increase turnover.

Boost the reputation of my agency

Highlight your business, promote your know-how and your status as an expert in the sector to gain the trust of your prospects: as a real estate agent, your reputation is a real vector of growth. Many solutions are possible to help professionals develop their visibility, both digitally and physically. What's at stake? Install a quality brand image in order to facilitate contact with owners, sellers and take mandates.

Diversifying my real estate prospecting methods

Freelance, door to door, box, telephone... The means of prospecting available to the real estate agent in order to take a mandate are numerous but very often very time-consuming. However, there are digital solutions that allow you to capture qualified sales leads directly from your digital media. In the same way, an agency that is active in transactions, but also in property management, has every interest in feeding its prospecting file with owner customers who may be interested in selling their property.

Equipping myself with interconnected real estate solutions that save me time

Very often, professionals are equipped with digital solutions to improve their efficiency and help them focus on customer relationships. Website creation service provider, CRM, software for publishing value opinions, market, legal library, electronic signature... In order to be effective, professionals need to be equipped with the best solutions on the market, but also that they communicate with each other. Customer and prospect data must flow within these platforms to optimize the sales process.

Your needs

Vos besoins

  • Value real estate and create ads
  • Broadcast real estate ads on all useful media
  • Boost the conversion of mandates into sales
  • Respecting your Alur law training obligations
  • Value real estate and create ads
  • Broadcast real estate ads on all useful media
  • Boost the conversion of mandates into sales
  • Respecting your Alur law training obligations

Les Questions que vous vous posez ?

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Les Questions que vous vous posez ?

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Our solutions

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If your request concerns a partnership or technical assistance, please send us an email at