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Best practices

Enhancing the property's location and living environment

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Showcase the full potential of your properties by enhancing their living environment, directly from your real estate ad site.

Enhance the location of your real estate to increase sales

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

Often referred to as the number one criterion in a purchase (or even rental) project, the location has a significant impact on the quality of life the property can offer and its value.

However, in the digital world, it is sometimes difficult to value the property's living environment within its ad. To go beyond a simple description in an ad, there are immersive solutions that allow future buyers to fully project themselves into their “future neighborhood” and trigger requests for qualified visits for the agent.

Talk about the location in the property description

It is always interesting for the visitor to read a short description of the property's neighborhood. Do not hesitate to dedicate a few lines to describing: the quality of life, testimonials from the neighborhood, accessible transport, and schools nearby... This will also contribute to the good referencing of your real estate ads and therefore to their visibility.

Include photos or videos of the neighborhood in the listing images

In addition to pictures of the actual property, you also have the opportunity to enhance its location thanks to images of the neighborhood, its atmosphere, its shops, and its population. A little extra that could make a difference and hopefully win over the buyer!

Offer an interactive map dedicated to the living environment

Display of the various points of interest, travel time to an address depending on the mode of transport, journey to the nearest school... The ideal way to optimally value a location is to allow the user to discover it in total autonomy, from their computer or smartphone.

By implementing these elements to enhance a real estate location, you not only enrich your digital user journey, but you also allow your future client to have all the necessary information about the neighborhood at hand. Buyers then arrive for the visit 100% focused on the property and are no longer “distracted” by questions about the various amenities nearby. You therefore save time and qualify your buyer visits!

Making your properties more attractive

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Enrich the user experience on your ad site by offering content on real estate location
  • Offer your future buyers the means to project themselves 100% into a living context
  • Qualify your visit requests thanks to a dynamic insert
  • Enrich the user experience on your ad site by offering content on real estate location
  • Offer your future buyers the means to project themselves 100% into a living context
  • Qualify your visit requests thanks to a dynamic insert

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