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Best practices

Developing synergies between transaction and rental management services

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Whether in transaction or management, find out how a real estate agency can secure more mandates by exploiting the synergies between its different departments.

An integrated offering of real estate sales and rental services

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

Offering a complete real estate value chain

From valuation to rental management, sales or even renting: by offering an integrated range of services, the real estate agency can offer its customers comprehensive support, regardless of their profile (seller, purchaser, lessor, tenant).

This diversity of services, and therefore this control of the entire life cycle of a property, can play a major role in granting a management or sales mandate.

A lessor is a potential seller, a purchaser is a potential lessor: it is therefore necessary for real estate agencies who wear both hats (transaction and property management) to be equipped with software solutions that are interconnected and communicate with each other.

What's at stake? Diversify your prospecting methods for sales or management mandates, but also boost efficiency by avoiding the double entry of information.

Develop synergies between transaction and real estate management services

By developing synergies between a real estate agency's transaction and management services, it makes every effort to capture sales or management mandates by exploiting all of its current and potential client data.

In addition, the interconnectivity of the various transaction and management software can automate certain tasks such as entering information relating to real estate or client contact management. We can therefore observe a better flow of information between the real estate agency's various services. Information relating to real estate (photos, characteristics, prices...) can be easily shared between teams and put online in the form of rental or sale ads quickly.

Rely on a complete and effective real estate software

The agency's clients benefit from an optimal quality of service. Indeed, software makes it possible to improve client file monitoring and to offer real estate that meets their expectations. In addition, automating certain tasks allows agency teams to focus on tasks with higher added value, such as advice to clients.

Capture more mandates

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Use the various client and prospect files to capture sales or management mandates
  • Equip yourself with interconnected transaction and management software in order to be able to use all the data
  • Use the various client and prospect files to capture sales or management mandates
  • Equip yourself with interconnected transaction and management software in order to be able to use all the data

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