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Best practices

Creating real estate virtual tours

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Discover our tips on how to create virtual visits easily, a service appreciated by buyers and sellers alike.

Set up virtual tours to enhance the client experience

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

Virtual visits are the best way to help potential buyers project themselves into their future homes. They can visit all the rooms of a property from a distance, without having to move, and get a real idea of the volumes. This technology offers a more precise and realistic experience. They can also easily ask their friends and family for their opinions by sharing the link to the visit.

Increase the quality of leads through virtual visits

360° visits allow real estate professionals to pre-select candidates for purchase and avoid 70% of unnecessary visits. In addition to the significant time savings, this service is very much appreciated by buyers, but also by owners who will find it easier to entrust their property to you. Offering this type of service offers a more modern dimension to your branding.

Use dedicated software integrated into your real estate software

For virtual visits to be really effective in developing your business, we recommend paying attention to certain points:

1° First of all, we recommend opting for an open solution. That is to say, editing software that accepts all types of 360 cameras. You will therefore be able to freely choose your tools and will not be dependent on a service provider.

2° Also, creating a virtual tour can quickly become time-consuming. That is why it is best to make sure that the 360° tour creation solution is directly integrated into your transaction software. Finally, for this feature to help you improve brand awareness, you need to be able to easily add your logo.

Enhance client experience and convert leads into sales

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Opt for software that accepts all types of 360° devices
  • Equip yourself with quality equipment (e.g. Ricoh Theta)
  • Prepare the property in advance to facilitate the projection of Internet users
  • Opt for software that accepts all types of 360° devices
  • Equip yourself with quality equipment (e.g. Ricoh Theta)
  • Prepare the property in advance to facilitate the projection of Internet users

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