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Best practices

Writing ads and optimizing their referencing

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Learn best practices and business solutions for writing perfect real estate ad texts in record time.

Simplify writing real estate ad texts

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

Write your ads to guarantee their visibility on the web

Writing ads is an essential aspect for real estate professionals. The texts must highlight the properties' assets in order to attract as many prospects as possible and to increase the chances of concluding a transaction.

The importance of writing property ads and their referencing is all the greater since the real estate market is very competitive, and requires standing out from other ads in order to succeed. In addition, texts must be optimized to be well-referenced on search engines.

Automate writing real estate ads thanks to the AI

A well-written ad should be clear, concise and appealing in order to present the property's detailed characteristics, its assets and its strengths. The writing must also take into account the expectations of potential buyers or tenants in terms of search criteria such as surface area, number of rooms, location or even price.

To obtain good results, three separate texts must be written for the same ad. One for the network agency's website, another for ad portals, and a third for printed media (magazine, window display posters, etc.). As real estate professionals' time is precious, we recommend using an automatic ad writing AI solution (trained with real estate vocabulary and market knowledge) meeting all of these criteria.

Simplify and optimize writing your real estate ads

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Write three separate ad texts per ad
  • Respect the criteria to obtain a good ranking
  • Use a proven automatic writing solution
  • Write three separate ad texts per ad
  • Respect the criteria to obtain a good ranking
  • Use a proven automatic writing solution

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