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HR interview management software

Automate the entire interview management process, a structuring asset for your organization's performance.
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Interviews software: the key benefits

Better-managed interview campaigns

Everyone gains autonomy for smoother and more integrated interview management.

An ergonomic and easy-to-access platform

Our software is easy for employees, managers, and HR teams to use.

Interfacing with other HR processes

Training, skills, recruitment, and mobility: the software communicates with other HR processes to create bridges.

Configurable dashboard

Reporting is customizable for tailor-made monitoring of the progress of interviews, objectives, and skills development.

Our interview management software's essential functionalities

Decentralization and autonomy

  • Autonomy is encouraged thanks to an intuitive platform
  • Dedicated spaces for employees, managers, and HR managers
  • Placement of materials online, in particular for evaluation assistance
  • Interview history is available at any time and for an unlimited number of years
  • Integration of objectives and competencies to be evaluated based on the previous interview and the job description

Dematerialization and integration

  • Complete dematerialization of the evaluation process
  • Customizing assessment forms and assessment paths
  • Modification of interview templates is possible before each new campaign
  • Linking with the skills and activities framework
  • Interfacing with other HR processes, including training

Monitoring and management of maintenance campaigns

  • Indicators for monitoring maintenance campaigns available to managers
  • Personalized alert system for all players involved
  • Communication tools integrated into the platform

Understand your teams

  • Fine and tailor-made performance evaluation
  • Automatic filling of skills frameworks and job descriptions
  • Establishing the skills heritage of employees, offering personalized career management
  • Mapping skills needs
  • Anticipation of training needs and development wishes

Transform your interviews into performance drivers

All the features of our software

Our interview management software is designed to meet company needs.

  • Quick and easy processing thanks to an ergonomic and intuitive design
  • Integration of all types of professional interviews: end of mission, performance, annual, mobility, etc.
  • Support for the proper conduct of interviews, via the employee portal
  • Interactivity between the training, skills, and recruitment dimensions
  • Interview history available at any time
  • Dashboards for monitoring maintenance campaigns, campaign management ratios, and management indicators
  • Autonomy to customize forms and reporting through modeling systems
  • Assured security and confidentiality for all web environments

Our technological partners

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Our technology partners

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Linked resources

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Request a demo

To discover our interview management solution, request a demonstration of our software.