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How does digital technology simplify expense report management?

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Discover the secrets to simplifying your expense report management and free up your HR teams.

The challenges

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

In the corporate world, the issue of expense claims is not always well received. It's perceived as a tedious and time-consuming process for claimants, validators and the accounting department. However, by digitizing the process, it can be better integrated into the daily lives of employees, making life easier for everyone. We'd like to take a look at the benefits of simplifying expense claim management, in particular by digitizing it.

Accelerate and simplify the expense report management process

Any employee will one day or another be affected by having to enter an expense report. For everyone concerned, a streamlined and time-efficient experience is key. By creating reflexes and new habits, typing can become more intuitive and integrated into daily life. Digital technology offers interesting possibilities in this regard. For example, consider the use of a mobile phone, which can simplify the transmission of a payment receipt via a photo. But the acceleration of the process is also at play on the validation side. Digital tools should help to reduce processing times as much as possible.

Create a tailor-made experience

In the context of expense reports, it is interesting to think about employee experience throughout the user journey. To speed up data entry, it may be a good idea to set up a notification system. This is when an employee is on the go or organizes an appointment in their agenda. It is also interesting to initiate “rituals” for entering expense reports. Again, alerts can be created, whether a few days before the end of the month or before leaving for the weekend. Regarding processing, the validation of expense reports can be communicated personally or done for all employees.

Simplify by centralizing expense reports

Several departments and people revolve around expense reports. Of course, employees are on the front line but accounting is not left out. To help with good communication between the parties involved, the digital interface is interesting. HR teams can therefore save precious time since networking is facilitated and reactive. Beyond that, having a single tool allows more rigor when it comes to monitoring amounts and trips. Fraud and input errors are limited. In addition, the centralization of expense report management makes it easier to report. Finally, archiving is facilitated since all data is hosted and stored in the same place.

Anticipate situations to better manage them

Simplifying expense report management requires a good picture of company practices. To digitize the process in the best way possible, it is essential to type the situations where expenses are incurred. Travel, supplies, events, business meals... This makes it possible not only to identify the profiles concerned, but above all to quickly understand the subtleties specific to each situation. For example, one situation may not require an invoice when another has a different VAT rate.

Optimize your expense report policy

The subject of expense reports can take on a more strategic tone within the organization. The digital transformation of expense report processes makes it possible to go further than simple monitoring. The tools become a way to better manage the business and contribute to a better understanding of how to transform the business. Indeed, thanks to digital tools, HR can collect data and analyze talent behaviors more finely. This allows teams to make a case for change, and rethink their spending.

The benefits of the HR solution

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Accelerate the expense management process
  • Offer a tailor-made experience
  • Centralize expense report management
  • Adapt and optimize the expense management policy
  • Freeing HR teams from tasks with low added value
  • Accelerate the expense management process
  • Offer a tailor-made experience
  • Centralize expense report management
  • Adapt and optimize the expense management policy
  • Freeing HR teams from tasks with low added value

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