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Everything you need to know to optimize training management

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The challenges

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

The success of a corporate training strategy depends on two factors. The first consists in carefully collecting the needs and expectations of employees. The second consists in ensuring a good implementation and accurate monitoring of the training plan. The good news? Thanks to powerful digital tools, you can easily optimize training management plans. Relieved of time-consuming tasks, HR teams can thus qualitatively support employees in developing their skills.

Gather and centralize training needs management

This step is decisive for the company. Training plans are in fact defined in close collaboration with managers and employees. Especially since it is a way of fully investing them in their skills development. However, this step can quickly prove tedious for HR teams. Digital tools help gather and gather needs, making it possible to easily survey each employee on their desires for development, their shortcomings, and their difficulties. In particular, the platforms provide a framework for asking the right questions and starting to classify needs as soon as they are collected. Gathering training wishes can also be optimized by starting from annual evaluation interviews, which often address these topics.

Complete, qualify, and arbitrate

Once these needs are collected, HR teams will have to spend time to map them and start arbitrating. Digital tools, and dashboards in particular, help to qualify requests. It is, in fact, easy to group together according to the skills sought, the missions targeted or the desired formats. It is also possible to filter profiles, for example based on modules already provided in the past. A training plan also requires making trade-offs. Not all businesses have an unlimited budget! Projections and simulations can facilitate the outline of the project and the communication of the main strategic lines to the management.

Implement a training plan

In order to develop the skills of talents, HR teams must identify the most suitable training courses. It is very interesting to start from the training courses previously offered to capitalize on what works. Formalizing a module database is essential. The implementation of a training plan also requires good communication of deadlines. Finally, let's not forget that communication with employees is a key moment for the success of the training plan. Indeed, it is necessary to succeed in involving them in order for them to be invested and involved players.

Follow your budget, negotiate

We already mentioned it: the training budget is not extensible and is negotiated every year with management. To carry out this mission successfully, relying on data is very advantageous for Human Resources. They can gain perspective on the training, to see it as an investment and not a cost. At a time when talent is volatile, it is an essential driver of retention and development for employers. Training follow-up also makes it possible to adjust the training plan and the budget in case of withdrawal, bad experience, etc.

Optimize training management by adjusting human capital

Once trained, employees may be able to evolve in their missions in companies. The digitization of the training plan can allow better monitoring of human capital and skills. By extension, management teams can then bring up needs that are still missing in order to start a recruitment process. Digitizing HR processes is an opportunity to better communicate and collaborate between departments, while being more flexible. This argument is all the more valuable at a time when companies find themselves managing strategies without certainty.

The benefits of the solution

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Gather training needs
  • Complete and qualify training needs
  • Implement a training plan
  • Negotiate your training plan budget
  • Develop your human capital
  • Gather training needs
  • Complete and qualify training needs
  • Implement a training plan
  • Negotiate your training plan budget
  • Develop your human capital

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