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HR document management software: archive personnel files online

Organize, share, search, and archive company and employee documents in one place.
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HR EDM software: the key benefits

Save space

Company and employee documents are archived in fully dematerialized files. The archive rooms can be emptied thanks to your online HR storage space.

Secure data

Thanks to detailed rights management, confidential employee documents are only accessible by authorized HR personnel. This makes it possible to reinforce the security of your employees' data.

Save time and accessibility

Documents sent to employees are automatically filed in personnel files. The HR team is relieved of this time-consuming task and can access the documents in a few clicks, even remotely.

The essential functionalities to digitize personnel files

User rights management

The administrator can define the rights to read, write and delete each type of document that makes up the personnel files and on all or part of a population of employees.

  • Right to read: right to consult, download, and distribute the document
  • Writing right: right to modify the document (name, type, comment)
  • Right to delete: right to delete the document
Gestion des droits utilisateurs des la plateforme pour toute la société
Gestion des salariés en masse ou en fonction de leur statut

Personnel files' management

Several actions are possible for each employee and each candidate:

  • Automatic creation of the employee's file when signing their employment contract, processing the first pay slip, or updating the employee reference framework
  • Document consultation and download sent to an employee and/or collected (according to user rights)
  • Add documents to constitute and complete an employee's file
  • Share a document with an employee by depositing it in their safe or sending it by email (depending on user rights)
  • Display the list of missing documents to constitute an employee's file (list of documents set up beforehand)

Search for documents among employee files  

  • Search for documents with filters and keywords among all the documents stored in employee files
  • Bulk download of documents (according to user rights)
  • Mass sharing of documents in employee safes (according to user rights)
  • Mass deletion of documents (according to user rights)
Interface de la gestion des salariés avec la recherche avancée

Learn how to simplify personnel file management

All our electronic HR document management tool's functionalities

  • Fully customized document filing plan
  • Fine management of user rights
  • Search documents with filters and keywords
  • Single download, share, and delete documents
  • Mass down/upload, share, and delete documents

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