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Best practices

Why automate and digitize HR management?

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Discover how digitalization can help you deploy an effective HR strategy. Improve all your company's activities.

The challenges

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

The digital revolution has accelerated in recent years in correlation with the transformations in our ways of living and working. In this context, the automation and digitalization of human resources are becoming a necessity to modernize and deploy an effective HR strategy. Indeed, automating and digitizing HR processes improves the management of all activities. The challenges for HR managers are to optimize the performance of the HR function by giving it the means to succeed in its mission. As a result, Human Resources is consolidating its position as a strategic partner for the entire organization.

Structuring and automating HR management

Time management, payroll management, talent management... The field of intervention of the HR function is very broad. How can you successfully juggle so many activities while maintaining coherence between these different actions?

Automating certain processes makes it possible to simplify and better structure the entire HR management and save a considerable amount of time. By automating certain tedious or low-value-added tasks, you will have more quality time to devote to your employees. Administrative and repetitive tasks move forward by autumn, much to the relief of HR teams.

Improving HR productivity thanks to digital technology

Digitizing HR management does not aim to replace the HR function with an application. The idea is to facilitate the daily HR function by improving the organization of the service and therefore its productivity. Digital technology also makes it possible to save time on time-consuming and non-value-added administrative tasks. HR teams can free up their time for more important missions. Indeed, they can then concentrate fully on their core business: people.

Measuring and managing Human Resources activity

How to prove the value provided by the HR function within a company? HR teams need resources to measure and manage their activities. Thanks to the digitalization of their tools, HR teams will be able to have a clear overview of the progress of their latest recruitment campaign, for example. They will be able to share information more easily with employees, or, to easily and quickly know the progress and status of current files in order to optimize the management of their activities.

Digital technology to secure and share HR data more easily

Employee data is at the heart of HR activity. This is explained by the increase in employee follow-ups and the desire of HR to put people back at the center of their concerns. How do you secure this data and share it safely?

HR digitalization allows each user to edit, modify or delete data concerning them whenever they want. In addition, HR digitalization allows information to be shared more easily and effectively. Indeed, HR teams will be able to share information in real-time with employees, from their arrival to their departure.

The benefits of the HR solution

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Simplify administrative management
  • Automate tasks with low added value
  • Move towards paperless
  • Improve productivity
  • Reducecosts
  • Develop the employee experience
  • Carry out and make HR reports reliable
  • Accelerate decision making
  • Centralize and secure HR data
  • Share information more easily with employees
  • Mastering and complying with legal obligations
  • Simplify administrative management
  • Automate tasks with low added value
  • Move towards paperless
  • Improve productivity
  • Reducecosts
  • Develop the employee experience
  • Carry out and make HR reports reliable
  • Accelerate decision making
  • Centralize and secure HR data
  • Share information more easily with employees
  • Mastering and complying with legal obligations

Our products for HR management automation

Our products

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