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Digitizing the recruitment process

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Discover how to digitize recruitment to improve the entire process, while optimizing the candidate and recruiter experience.

The challenges

Nos solutions d'automatisation au service de l'industrie de l'hospitality et de sa transformation digitale

Faced with a tense job market, digitalizing recruitment is twice as interesting. It allows you to increase performance while re-enchanting the candidate experience. Digitizing recruitment is a lever for the company. This approach is beneficial for HR, but also for managers and management in order to recruit optimally. Let's go back to the solutions available for improved, optimized and simplified recruitment.

Save time with automation

Digitizing the recruitment process makes it possible to automate all tasks where humans have little value. The tools available to HR teams are varied and can easily be customized. They help improve internal communication, make a need visible, ensure more continuous follow-up, or facilitate the analysis of applications. These actions are key to nurturing the employer brand and improving the candidate experience. However, they do not need to be done by HR, as this would be a waste of time and energy.

Digitize recruitment by offering a common process

Many players revolve around recruitment. HR teams are on the front line but managers and management also have their say. They may even have to carry out certain steps. Thanks to a common digital platform, you can make everyone a player. Any employee can communicate their resource needs, give feedback, and monitor progress. Digitizing recruitment also means being able to support managers, for example in their face-to-face meetings, thanks to online assessment grids.

Ensure candidate follow up throughout their career path

Faced with demanding candidates, HR teams have a certain amount of pressure. The experience often depends on the smallest details and throughout the entire journey. The digitalization of recruitment makes it possible to assess, guide and keep candidates waiting in a favorable environment. It also helps to organize quality exchanges with managers or management. Behind the scenes, it is essential to agree on a common process to identify the responsibilities and missions of each player. Thanks to a clear workflow, downtime is avoided, and communication is present throughout the process. In addition, digital tools aid responsiveness. It is therefore possible to configure simple dashboards to monitor the progress of recruitment. These will notify you start a new stage.

Building and managing a pool of candidates through digital technology

Profiles don't always match a specific search at any given time. However, it is useful to keep these applications for future opportunities. Creating, organizing and then animating a pool of candidates using digital tools. Thanks to a system of skills tags, it is very simple and quick to come back to these profiles later. This database can also be easily updated. Finally, these digital devices help teams to comply, in particular with regard to data storing, which is automatically deleted at the end of the term.

Gain strength on your human capital

The human capital is seen as a guarantee of success in businesses. The digitalization of HR functions allows management teams to analyze their teams correctly. Indeed, monitoring tools make it possible to quickly provide an overview of the workforce and to identify where the needs are. In the context of recruitment, this can encourage internal mobility rather than external recruitment, which is potentially more expensive.

The benefits of the HR solution

Les bénéfices de la solution

  • Digitizing and automating recruitment
  • Improving the follow-up of applications
  • Optimizing the management of a pool of candidates
  • Automate workflows
  • Promoting the security of candidate data
  • Dematerialize recruitment processes
  • Digitizing and automating recruitment
  • Improving the follow-up of applications
  • Optimizing the management of a pool of candidates
  • Automate workflows
  • Promoting the security of candidate data
  • Dematerialize recruitment processes

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