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Your need

How do you successfully attract and integrate talent?

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To stay competitive in their markets, businesses must attract and integrate new talent.

Facilitate recruitment and integration management

Vos enjeux

In a context where supply and demand have reversed, this is not always an easy task for recruiters. In fact, according to DARES, the job vacancy rate is only 2.3%.

Recruitment and integration management is becoming increasingly complex. Candidates are more demanding and rarer, they want a memorable employee experience, and career development prospects. The stakes are therefore high: effectively managing the acquisition and integration of new talent.

Precisely identify your recruitment needs to attract talent

Most companies recruit their future employees urgently. This lack of anticipation is one of the main causes of failed recruitment. This is why, before you start looking for candidates, you need to identify and define your recruitment needs.

  • What teams need to recruit?
  • What are the missions involved?
  • What is the annual recruitment budget?
  • How do you prioritize requests?

Once your needs are defined, you can decide if your resources are sufficient to generate internal or external recruitment.

Make decision-making more time-efficient and reliable

Hiring a candidate is not something you can improvise. You must define your selection criteria in advance to choose the right profiles, increase the efficiency of your recruitments and reduce the margin of error. Anticipating these criteria also makes it possible to assess candidates equally. Identifying the opinions and evaluations of your managers is also necessary in your recruitment processes. They will allow you to make your decision-making more time-efficient and reliable, an essential need for recruiters.

Offer a unique candidate experience to attract and integrate talent

In a context of war for talent, it is essential to offer candidates an irreproachable and memorable experience. Therefore, recruitment processes must be up to date:

  • Simple,
  • Fast,
  • And digital.

Candidates should be able to apply for jobs directly online and receive instant acknowledgment of receipt of their applications. To keep applicants quickly informed on the status of their application, you need to process applications efficiently. You also need to communicate with candidates in a personalized way to make them feel unique.

Anticipate the arrival of new talent for a successful integration

According to a 2022 "Pôle Emploi" survey, 58% of recruitments are considered difficult by companies. Recruiters are therefore encouraged to recruit effectively so as not to have to go through this tedious process over and over again. And to recruit effectively, you need to anticipate the arrival of new talent. This anticipation will allow new talent to be able to integrate and become independent quickly. And for the company, to meet the new employees' demands for a memorable candidate experience.

Offer a seamless integration process to attract and integrate talent

The integration of an employee is fundamental. It is the beginning of a lasting relationship between an employee and their company. You must therefore offer an experience that lives up to their expectations. Several studies have shown that if a new employee's induction does not go well, he or she is very likely to leave the company in the days following arrival. On the other hand, good integration increases the loyalty of new employees. It is therefore important not to miss this step!

In addition, keep in mind that integration does not end on the new employee's first day. You should follow up with your new recruit before the end of their trial period to ensure that they meet your company's expectations.

Your HR needs

Vos besoins

  • Streamline the entire recruitment and onboarding process
  • Manage recruitment activity and follow all the key steps
  • Improve the candidate experience and your employer brand
  • Have a pool of candidates
  • Secure the onboarding of your new talent
  • Offer an irreproachable integration path to your talents
  • Ensure smooth communication between all stakeholders
  • Streamline the entire recruitment and onboarding process
  • Manage recruitment activity and follow all the key steps
  • Improve the candidate experience and your employer brand
  • Have a pool of candidates
  • Secure the onboarding of your new talent
  • Offer an irreproachable integration path to your talents
  • Ensure smooth communication between all stakeholders

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