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Electronic signature of employment contracts and HR documents

Save time when signing your employment contracts and your daily HR documents.
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HR electronic signature: the key benefits

Reduced signature times

Once validated, the document is sent successively to the various signatories. Everyone is notified and can sign it at any time, from their computer or smartphone. The document can be signed within a few minutes.

Security and traceability

Both authentic and unalterable, the HR electronic signature software makes it possible to prove that the person who claims to have signed the document signed it and that it has not been modified at a later time. This is a way to limit the risks of appeal.

Enhanced employee experience

Candidates and employees sign their employment contract and all their HR documents in a few clicks, without having to travel. Exchanges with the HR department are fluid and responsive, which improves your employer's image.

The essential functionalities of electronic signatures for HR

Setting up an e-signature process

  • Document signatory selection (HR director, employee, candidate...) and choice of signature order according to the internal process
  • Expiration date and automatic reminders definition
  • A choice between remote and face-to-face signing, with or without sending an SMS code
  • Possibility to request additional documents from the signing employee
Interface de paramétrage de la signature électronique
Interface du suivi de la signature électronique

Documents pending signature follow-up

  • Dashboard to view all documents submitted for signature (in progress, expired, completed, or suspended)
  • Monitoring document signature progress in real-time
  • Manually restarting or suspending a current signature
  • Changing the expiration date to allow the document to be signed beyond the original deadline

Operation and storage of signed documents

  • Signature timestamp
  • Signature in PAdES format embedded in the PDF document
  • Automatic filing of signed documents in the employee's safe and in their HR file
Interface des documents signés

Find out how to sign your employment contracts and HR documents electronically.

All our HR electronic signature software's functionalities

  • Full customization of the signature workflow
  • Selection of signatories and choice signature order
  • Setting deadlines and automatic reminders
  • Signature with or without sending a code by SMS
  • Real-time visualization of current, completed, suspended, and expired signatures
  • Collection of additional documents (optional)
  • Time-stamped signature integrated into the PDF document
  • Automatic sending of documents to be signed by sFTP or web services (optional)

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Request a demo

To learn more about electronic signatures, watch a demo.